

在1923年的一次不成功的竞标后,被选为德克萨斯理工学院的所在地, the residents of San Angelo decided they would create their own college, even if they had to pay for it themselves. Funded by local contributions and a self-imposed county tax, 圣安吉洛初级学院于1928年在圣安吉洛市中心附近的北奥克斯街开设.

上课时间, 112名学生注册,其中城市学生支付75美元的学费,外地学生支付115美元. 1929年5月,六名学生在学院的第一次毕业典礼上走过舞台. Today, ASU has more than 44,000 alumni around the globe.

1929年,股市崩盘,整个30年代,美国都陷入了经济大萧条. 但学院坚持了下来, even dropping “Junior” from its name to become San Angelo College, 或囊, as it would be known until it became Angelo State College in 1965, and then 十大彩票网赌平台 in 1969.

SAC在经济大萧条和第二次世界大战的低迷时期幸存下来,放眼未来. 已经超过了市中心的校园, the college looked to move to its current location, though tax monies were inadequate to make the change to a new campus. 圣安吉洛的居民参与进来,筹集了30万美元来帮助他们过渡. The university broke ground on the 政府 Building in 1947.

到了50年代, SAC was growing on its new campus on West 大道N, thanks to the GI Bill® and a growing emphasis on education. In 1957, the institution won the first of its three team national championships, 为全国大专体育协会夺得全国篮球冠军.

在50年代, SAC was a pioneer in racial relations, admitting its first black students a year before Brown vs. Board of Education and in 1955 graduating its first black student, 玛丽·弗朗西斯·辛普森, 那一年的优秀毕业生. SAC也在1953年打破了德州大学校际橄榄球的肤色障碍, who later that academic year would be named class favorite, 开始为公羊队效力. Two years later, he would be drafted by the San Francisco Forty-Niners.

The 1960s were a time of change as San Angelo College evolved into a four-year, 州立大学, fulfilling the dreams of local residents all the way back to the 1920s. 政府. 1963年,约翰·康纳利签署了一项法案,使SAC成为一个州立机构,并成为德克萨斯州立大学系统的一部分. 在国家的支持下, 校园扩大了, taking on much of its current look and character with a huge building boom.

在20世纪70年代,随着婴儿潮一代的全面到来,十大彩票网赌平台校园蓬勃发展. Intercollegiate athletics for women began in 1975. 1978年,公羊队赢得了全国大学校际田径协会全国足球锦标赛.

Upon his death in 1978, long-time ASU supporter Robert G. 卡尔建立了一个基金会,由他在西德克萨斯州16个县的石油生产物业的矿产和特许权使用费提供资金. 他的妻子, 卡尔诺娜, 会在她九年后去世时将她在这些财产中的权益加入基金会吗. 罗伯特·G. 和Nona K. 卡尔的基础, established to provide scholarships for “needy and worthy” students, would have a profound impact on Angelo State. The first scholarships were awarded in 1981. 到2007年,该基金的价值超过6500万美元,每年为十大彩票网赌平台六分之一的学生提供奖学金.

By 1991, ASU was receiving national attention, being recognized by U.S. 新闻与世界报道 as one of the nation’s up-and-coming universities. 从1996年到2006年的十年间, ASU enjoyed its second-biggest building boom, leaving the university with one of the most modern campuses in the state. In 2004, the ASU softball team captured the school’s third national title, winning the NCAA Division II Championship.

2007年,当地居民向立法者请愿,要求将十大彩票网赌平台从德克萨斯州立大学系统转移到德克萨斯理工大学系统,这再次表明了他们对该机构的支持和兴趣. 在获得立法机构批准和州长签署后,这一举措于9月9日生效. 1, 2007, three months to the day after Dr. 约瑟夫·C. Rallo assumed his duties as the ninth president.

大学礼堂的内爆, 也被称为妇女大厦, marked 2009 as an explosive year in ASU history, and allowed for further campus growth and expansion. The coordinated effort required months of planning and drew some 6,000 spectators.

In 2010, 兰贝尔斯田径队获得了十大彩票网赌平台的第四个全国冠军,并获得了NCAA二级户外全国冠军. With the Rams also posting a top 10 finish, 16 ASU athletes earned All-America honors at the championship meet.

2011年秋季学期入学人数超过7人,这是该校的另一个里程碑,第一次有1000名学生. In 2012, 当布雷特·阿什福德获得物理治疗博士学位时,十大彩票网赌平台授予了它的第一个博士学位.

十大彩票网赌平台也继续吸引全国的关注,2012年,它被评为连续第四年 普林斯顿评论的 “最佳大学”指南. 这一认可意义重大,因为名单的选择主要是基于对在校学生的调查.

Another notable event in 2012 was the appointment of Dr. 布莱恩J. 可以 as president of 十大彩票网赌平台. 该机构的10人 th president since its founding in 1928, 可以 is the first ASU alumnus to hold the top leadership position.

2013年是十大彩票网赌平台的第85届 th 周年纪念日, and the university celebrated with its first capital campaign, 筹集了超过3500万美元. 2014年开始了一场新的建设热潮,对几个体育设施进行了重大翻新, 十大彩票网赌平台获得了一个新的土木工程项目的初步批准,并获得了学校历史上最大的私人捐赠,用于建设新的工程实验室设施.

Growth was the major theme for 2015 with a new record fall enrollment of 8,156, fueled in part by a new off-site dual credit program, continued increases in graduate students taking online courses, and the launch of the new civil engineering program. 2016年入学人数继续增长, 随着棒球场的翻新和主校区自2005年以来的第一批新教学楼的破土动工,校园建设也取得了进展.

In 2017, the Hunter Strain Engineering Labs facility were completed, 阿彻健康与人类服务学院的大楼将于2018年完工. Construction also began on four additional projects, as well as the upgrading of campus walkways and landscaping.

2018 featured a host of new introductions to the campus, 包括几个新设施的开放:1号勒格兰体育场的梅耶新闻包厢 st 社区信用联会场地, the Health and Human Services Building, 香农运动诊所, and a new wing for the Centennial Village residence hall. A generous private gift led to the naming of the Norris-Vincent College of Business, and a project to add the 十大彩票网赌平台迈尔博物馆 was announced. ASU’s first civil engineering graduates received their diplomas, and approval was granted for a new mechanical engineering program. Women’s tennis was added as an intercollegiate sport, 在年底的时候, the ASU Ram Band led the London New Year’s Day Parade in England.

招生人数超过10人,2019年首次达到500家, 随着斯蒂芬斯教堂和梅尔博物馆的破土动工,校园里更多的新建筑也突显了这一点. 十大彩票网赌平台的三贝塔国家生物荣誉协会分会和德尔塔西格玛派商业兄弟会分会都被评为全国顶级分会, 农业部的学生羊毛评判队赢得了全国冠军.

变化是2020年的主要主题,尽管由于COVID-19大流行而关闭了校园,并通过虚拟课程完成了春季学期,但十大彩票网赌平台仍然蓬勃发展. 等学生们, faculty and staff returned to campus for the fall semester, ASU had new leadership as retired Air Force Lt. 创. 罗尼D. 霍金斯小. (1977届)被任命为第11届 th president of Angelo State following the resignation of Dr. 布莱恩J. 可以. 尽管大流行, 十大彩票网赌平台公布了创纪录的秋季入学人数, 斯蒂芬斯教堂开放了, and ASU hosted its first-ever Winter Mini-Session term.

十大彩票网赌平台的第一个官方核心价值观于2021年通过,同时还有新的使命和愿景声明. 初春被“冰雪大决战”打断了,因为北极的天气,校园关闭了一周. A new Bachelor of Commercial Aviation degree was added, as well as ASU’s second doctoral degree, 一个小组.D. 在咨询心理学中. ASU was selected to pilot a community cybersecurity program with UTSA, 校园在秋季学期开始时恢复了满负荷运转. The year was also highlighted by the opening of the 十大彩票网赌平台迈尔博物馆.

十大彩票网赌平台于2022年被选为另一个网络安全项目的试点,并很快成为该州第一个区域安全运营中心的所在地. 豪斯利大厦破土动工,梅耶行政大楼内的埃尔塔·乔伊斯·墨菲礼堂(Elta Joyce murphy Auditorium)也开始了重大翻新. Other new additions included a new Doctor of Social 工作 degree, the first Latinx Stole Ceremony at commencement, and the Mariachi Los Pastores ensemble. 十大彩票网赌平台的啦啦队、手球俱乐部和公羊举重俱乐部都获得了全国冠军.

The new ASU Rodeo Team dominated the headlines in early 2023, along with the addition of the ASU Rodeo Complex at the San Angelo Fairgrounds. The Rams baseball team won its first national championship, 十大彩票网赌平台历史上第五位, and ground was broken for a new Rambelles Soccer Clubhouse. ASU also achieved SACS-COC re-accreditation and Seal of Excelencia 指定, 增加了一个新的数字学习和教学中心,以更好地利用在线课程, 还增加了第四个博士学位, 一个教育.D. 变革型领导. 美国国家科学基金会资助了一个新的研究和创新中心的建立, and ASU again posted a record fall enrollment of 11,250.

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